Welcome to the North!
Agh what a finish of a beautiful day. At 23:05 board time we made our way from the Southern Hemisphere into the Northern Hemisphere! We crossed the equator while watching the Southern Cross low in the sky. As clouds were forming in the North, we still have not seen any Polaris. We had a tod of Rum from Tahiti, one toast was for Neptune and tomorrow we will have our ceremony to welcome 7 new shellbacks into the realm of Neptune.

As I said it was a beautiful day. Under full mizzen and mainsail we were doing 8,5 knots and heading in the right direction. The equatorial current is pushing is East and so we could ease the sheets a little and steer 350′ on the compass while heading North over the ground.
During the day we have had many boobies around, mainly masked boobies, some juvenile and one adult, bright white. Very pretty. We have also seen a longtail tern and some shearwaters. In the afternoon we briefly saw a big school of dolphins, but they were passed in seconds, in a big hurry, so likely hunting for supper..

Our Tec-Talk was done by Cecile, about sleep. A beautiful story and some really good advise to keep your bedroom for sleeping, not for tv or reading, limit the blue screen time before sleeping, stick to a rhythm, but don’t go to bed if you don’t feel tired. And if you can’t sleep, don’t worry about it, get up until you feel sleepy, because worrying is going to work against the sleep.
The rhythm of the watches has taken hold of everybody by now. Most have a system during the day, reading hours, sleeping hours and hours just chatting away on the aft in the sun when the weather is good.

Right now we have showers around, good to wash the salt of the deck. They mess with the wind a little as well, which is less useful. The next few days are forecasted to be lighter winds, until we hit the North East tradewind again. Another 1500 miles to go to Honolulu!
All well on board, Jet