Polaris has come out of the haze above the horizon and is showing us the way in the North. The Southern Cross is still beautiful in the South and it feels a bit sad to loose her during the evening, but we are heading the right way, that is for sure.

After lunch it was time for our Tec-Talk again! This time about the mayers-briggs personality test (I hope I spell this correctly). Rebecca made it into a interactive presentation where, after receiving the explanations, we had to guess what celebrities scored on the test. Out of 16, we had 6 guesses correct, including Brad Pitt and John Lennon!
After the Tec-Talk it was time for a deck rinse as we were under assault of flying fish last night and the scales of the ones we saved (and the ones we did not) were still sticking to the deck. There was also a rinse of a few humans who got a good hose down!
After that we set the big jib as the wind has been gradually decreasing. Just after dinner, I sat outside with Sam and Tinke and it was just the perfect sailing feeling. Long ocean waves, the Tecla climbing up and rushing down the big swell and the feeling of just the right amount of pressure in the sails. We were all in our element, Tecla included.
We have been seeing the North East swell starting to run, almost as a cross swell to the one we had with the South East wind. Now the wind seems to gradually become more and more northern. During sun rise last morning we saw some wind clouds up high that looked like to blow out of the stronger North East still over 100 miles North of us. And now the day is coming to a close at it feels like we are nearly on the edge of the real trade winds to set in. Lets see what tomorrow may bring.
Photo of the day:Cecile! All well on board, Jet