31’22.5N 035’26.8W course 013′ speed 5kn
A beautiful day under sail, but now we have lost the wind and are under engine. The Azores high pressure area that is typically on top of the Azores, has been miss shaped by low pressure areas racing by and has a very long arm South. It stretches all the way 540 miles South to where we are.. The area is over 250 miles wide and right on top of our course line.. What can you do..

So we enjoyed our last few hours of sailing, we had to start the engine only once (thinking it would be done by that time.. but then the wind came back) during the afternoon and later once at night… We sailed our last quiet hours between 00:00h and 03:00h, ending with a speed of just 4 knots.. and then we had to be honest, the wind was just not enough any more. In a last hope that the wind will come back one more time, we still have all our sails up. But come watch change, we will lower topsails and mainsail. We will keep the other sails up as long as we can, they are still helping with stability and maybe even speed.. The wind will return in about two days! Lets hope the weather report is pessimistic and the wind will return some what sooner!

Myrthe won picture of the day, with this stunning moment under sail. All in all, we have had some stunning sailing the last few days! Winds were unstable, but some of the hours of the day were just filled with perfect sailing. The sea state is very pleasant, and so the lightest breeze would send us off with 5 knots. When showers were rolling in, the wind would gradually increase to a force 5 and then behind the shower it would disappear again. In the meantime we would be doing speeds of over 8 knots and then back to 3 knots again.

As I was busy in the afternoon, Myrthe and Maike made dinner again, and it was delicious! A vegetarian quiche with bottom of almond and oats and topping of spinach and egg. It was delicious! Well done! They have also taken over the bread baking, yesterday we had banana bread and today we have fresh white loafs!

All is well on board! Jet

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