Leaving French Polynesia

After over a month of sailing in French Polynesia, on the 5th of June we cleared out and set of for the great big pacific Ocean towards the Hawaiian islands.

Rangiroa was the last island we stopped on, we stayed a few days exploring the smaller towns on the island and with the real highlight of swimming and snorkeling in the Blue Lagoon, just of the west tip of the island. First day of arriving we headed to the gendarmerie to clear out. We spoke on the phone with them before heading out and they seemed keen to see us as soon as possible. But when we got there, it turned out, we had to clear out no more then 24 hours in advance. As we wanted to leave on a Sunday, we asked if this was ok, to clear out in the morning, and the captain replied that was ok, they opened at 09h. So we left to have a good time and some of the crew ended up in the Kia Ora resort for a coffee and a good view. Next morning was spend on land and in the afternoon we headed out to the blue lagoon. Rangiroa is a very big atoll, over 45 miles long. We just had to go 18 miles to a place in the west side. We set of around 13 o clock and arrived at 16:00. A shore party set of straight away, but found out it was quite challenging to find the entrance to the blue lagoon and so by the time they had found it, they decided to head back as darkness was setting in less then 30 minutes.. and the dinghy ride there was already 15 minutes.

Next day we headed out early, before the bigger Saturday crowds would arrive. And it was perfect! Warm water, nice sunshine, fish everywhere and some close encounters with black tip sharks and a sting ray! That afternoon we headed back to one of the little towns, anchored and went for a beer on shore. Next day we would leave, so best enjoy some land locked minutes while you can.

Sunday morning 09:20 we arrive at the gendarmerie. The captain takes our passports, our ships papers, I have to sign many documents and all seems to be going smoothly. Around 10 o clock he says he has seen all, they can go back to the ship, just I have to stay for more signatures and then he has to get authorization from Papeete, that could take a few hours.. So we head back to the ship, have a great big lunch and jump into the water just because we can.

By 15 oclock we have and email… we head back to the office, but this email is just to say, we can not clear out today. Papeete has nobody in the office, so clearance will be given in the morning of monday.. I feel a little disappointed.. we were ready to leave!! The captain of the gendamery was very apologetic.. but hey, one more night at anchor, good sleep and a swim in the morning, lets not complain!
So finally, yesterday we got authorization and off we went. Mainsail set, forestaysail, nr2 jib and mizzen set and off we go!
The big ocean is our home for over two weeks, we had best make ourselves comfortable. And we are! We have started our own TED talks (we cal them TEC Talks), where we all choose a subject that has our interest and give a presentation of about 10 minutes. Claude started off on Monday with a talk about AI. Tuesday Mark is up! We may start up the picture competition to show you in one picture what our day was like. There are exercise groups, sextant practise has started and our first meal was lasagna. No complaining here!
All well on board, Jet