A different sort of weather..

37’32.1S 03741.1W  course 296′ speed 7,2kn

After setting sail at 00 watch hand over last night, the wind has gradually increased. It was dry at first, but during the morning watch it started raining and it did not stop until well into the afternoon. Wind speeds have been mostly between a force 6 to 7, gusting strong 7. During the afternoon watch, before the hight of the low, when Russell and I said it felt like a 24 to 26 knot wind, going on a beam reach, we took down the already reeved mainsail. We were doing 8,7 knots, sometimes 9 and a little bit, the steering was intense, we had some weather helm. As we took down the mainsail, this completely disappeared and steering became very easy with just the storm jib, the forestaysail and reeved mizzen up. We were still doing 7,7 knots, sometimes a little more. At the hight of the low pressure area passing, so I should really say at the lowest, 999hp on the barometer, we had winds up to 35 knots gusting, wind blowing the tops of the waves off and swell rising to about 3 meters. But with the small rig up, we just headed down wind and all felt very easy going. Especially when the rain stopped!

Right now we are heading North of West as the wind is turning against us. Winds are still strong force 6, so no need for more sail. When the winds do ease a little more, we will get a more westerly course in, or so we hope.

Life on board is still good, although somewhat more rocky. We have turned on the heater, duvets are back on our beds and fans have disappeared into small forgotten corners. Spirits are high as we have seen more birds now, then for a long time. Our first great Wandering Albatross has been spotted. We even had one hover close to our aft, it really seemed to check us out.

With this new wind and wave situation, most of us are enjoying a different pace of life. It feels more like we have to work during our watch, instead of leisurely reading a book while one is steering. When we need to sleep, we sleep, when we are on watch, all are very on point and ready for anything. And the best feeling is after 4 hours of wind, rain and salt water spray, to go down stairs and enjoy a hot meal, before heading to bed!

All is well, jet

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