54’30.1N 009’46.2W course 302′ speed 5,3kn
Yesterday we made for an anchorage in Ireland, in Killala bay in the Donagal Bay Area. We went at anchor, as we knew in the morning of the 27th there was a strong South Westerly expected. And although the winds we experienced in the bay were a lot lighter then we expected, we were happy to get a break from the headwinds and accompanying swell. And judging by the swell we are experiencing now, the winds out at sea must have been just as strong as they were predicted.
We entered Killala Bay around 20:00h and were at anchor around 21:30h. With a late supper (eating before that time would have been a waste, as the seastate was building up) and a drink together, we went to bed with a anchor watch schedule, so we could all have some real sleep. Our anchor watches lasted until we left, so we even had time for an afternoon nap. After dinner at 18:00 we picked up both anchors and prepared the ship to be ready for the North Atlantic. We set mizzen reefed and forestaysail as stability sails and now we are motor sailing our way out of Donagal Bay. Between now, as I write this its 03:45h, and 06:00h we expect the winds to turn to the west and decrease a little. By that time we hope to be ready to turn South, this time, hopefully for the remainder of the 1481NM left in this voyage.
The mood on board is good, we know we are heading in the right direction, and if we make it to the South of Ireland by midday 29th, we should be done with the low pressure areas for a while.
Soete is on the helm right now, in the pitch black night. Some stars have recently come out, but the first 3 hours were spend in the rain and low cloud cover.
Pictures of the day will follow soon, hopefully when we have our rhythm back, but for now just imagine a dark dark night, wind in your face, the red light of the compass lighting up your face and the engine noise in your ear to reassure you that you are making headway!
All is well on board,