25’13.0N 018’27.6W course 213′ speed 4,4kn
In the morning we prepared the jib, by noon we were ready to set it and after that the mainsail and mizzen as well. We turned off the engine and the first hour we did about 7 knots under sail, with no apparent effort. Sadly for us, after about an hour of gliding, we got surrounded by thick cumulus nimbus clouds and it started raining all around us. At first this only meant that we had little wind and the wind we did have was variable. So lots of trimming of the sails, but also lots of shaking sails as a big westerly swell was running.

But then the rain really came, just before dinner. We had turned on the engine around 17:00, we lost all the speed and we were not making any progress any more. As it rained a double rainbow was seen in the sky, with a pot of gold at the end of it, in the shape of a small breeze. Tecla heeled over a little, we eased the sheets and she shot away again with 7,8 knots, no problem!
Then the sun started to set, and just as it could not get any better, a pod of dolphins showed up! They played around at the bow, even the smallest one of them, no larger then 70cm was jumping out of the water and doing belly flops!
Right now we are surrounded by showers again, taking our wind away. I can see on the radar that the clouds are passing us by. One is nearly on top of us, but passing behind, this may result in our small breeze returning again.
Since our departure we have done about 208 miles so far. And although setting the sails was a little chaotic, as they had just been put on in the harbour, our group is starting to get into the rhythm of the watches and the ocean. As long as the sails dont flap too much, its nice to have the engine off and drift around in this quiet world. The moon is nearly full, so we can see all of the deck and each other. Which sometimes feels like a spotlight is turned on when the clouds pass by the moon.
All is well on board,