A visit from Neptune

07’04.2S 030’09.3W course 189′ speed 5,5kn

Today was the day, sunny, nice breeze and all of a sudden Neptune is on the deck! Our equatorial crossing ceremony was about to take place. A ceremony where those who have crossed the equator, receive admittance into the realm of Neptune and get to know the name by which they shall be known in this realm. It is a right of passage where one goes from Pollywog to Shelback, from a novice to a sailor with inside knowledge.

The ceremony was nice, lots of laughs, not too many tears (none of course) and a surprise for Karsten at the end, with a bucket full of seawater ending on his head, as the last one to receive admittance.

During the day we did many chores, most successful others but half, and with the wind stable in a force 3 to 4, we have been very happy on board today. I kept Russells dinner quiet for most of the day, until dinner, where I thought the whole group should be let in on this little secret. So we hung some decorations and had a sort of lemon cake as desert. Or it should have been a cake.. Somewhere in the process it turned out a little more like a pudding, but is was one of the most tasty things ever! A happy accident Russell called it, and it was!

During the night clouds have moved in. The last few days we have had small cumulus during the night and sort of a veil of cirrus clouds, which made the stars seem less bright and visible. Tonight we have bigger cumulus clouds and no cirrus, so between clouds, we have a spectacular starry night sky. The milky way is clearly visible and without the moon, the furthest of stars seem to be shining brightly! The cumulus did turn out to be cumulusnimbus as we just got rained on.. but nothing much, just a few refreshing drops.. lets see what the night brings..

Oh and no sight of the Noddy yet… Maybe we are heading to far away of the islands of the Fernando do Noronha group…
And our game has seen many victims today.. only three people standing…

All is well, jet

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3 Responses to “A visit from Neptune

  • Maria Luiza Jaeger
    1 year ago

    Jeannette,merci pour le journal!
    “viuvinha preta”/BLACK NODDY
    Where to find it: Praia do Sancho
    This is the most abundant seabird in the archipelago.
    Its population has already been estimated at 21 thousand birds and 10 thousand nests in Noronha alone. In Brazil, the island is its main breeding site and, during mating season, couples perform a ritual of head movements and exchanging fish. Lay only one egg per year.
    Build your nests using a variety of different materials, such as seaweed and feces. Unlike the brown widowbird, it only nests in trees.
    Share the branches of mulungu trees with other species that also use this tree to build their nests.
    “Viuvinha marrom”/BROWN NODDY
    Anosous stolith
    Where to find it: Praia do Boldró
    Less abundant on the island than the black widowbird. Its largest population is located in Atoll das Rocas, where 17 thousand individuals have already been recorded.
    Their nests are very simple, made on rocks, where they only lay one egg. They breed mainly on secondary islands. They can be seen fishing above the water, feeding on small.
    35 to 40 cm (smallest)/More intense white/Black plumage
    dark/Nests in trees
    Less intense white/Brown plumage/40 to 45 cm (largest)/Nests in rocks

    Vivendo e aprendendo a jogar/Elis Regina/Guilherme Arantes
    Bon voyage, beau temps et vent pour la navigation et les découvertes !!!

  • Maria Luiza Jaeger
    1 year ago

    On Wednesday and Thursday nights (14 and 15/12), the peak of the last meteor shower visible in Brazil this year, Geminídas, should occur…
    “Just look in the direction of the constellation of Gemini. At this time of year this constellation is visible in the northeast direction from 10:30 p.m. or 11 p.m., depending on the conditions of the sky and the point of observation,” says Roberto Costa, a professor at the Department of Astronomy at the University of São Paulo (USP).
    The forecast is that the phenomenon can be observed more easily in the North and Northeast regions of the country, says astrophysicist Eliade Lima, a professor at the Federal University of Pampa (Unipampa).
    “A melhor visualização da chuva é em função da fase da lua e de onde a constelação (de Gêmeos) vai estar naquele momento do pico. Então quanto mais alta estiver a constelação de Gêmeos naquela noite, melhor será a visualização em um determinado lugar. Então em qualquer lugar com constelação de Gêmeos visível, será possível observar essa chuva”, diz Lima.

  • Maria Luiza Jaeger
    1 year ago

    SEE, ENJOY!!!
    Joana’s aunt Luiza
    Meteor shower will have up to 120 ‘shooting stars’ per hour in Brazil: On the nights of Wednesday and Thursday (14 and 15/12), the peak of the Geminids should occur.
    At this time of year, this constellation is visible in the northeast direction from 10:30 pm or 11 pm, depending on sky conditions and the observation point”, says Roberto Costa.
    Due to the Gemini constellation being better located at that time of peak (in the North and Northeast region), says astrophysicist Eliade Lima

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