43’00.2S 051’20.5W course 270′ speed 5,1kn
Today we have seen so many Albatrosses, it was amazing! The great Wandering Albatross was around for most of the day. But we were also visited by the Sooty Albatross and the Blackbrowed Albatross. It is just amazing watching them glide through the air. The wing span of the wandering Albatross is 3 meters, its body is sturdy and solid, but the wings and especially the wing tips, are elegant and form with precision. The tips of the wings fold in a way that speaks of strength and souplesse. With a small change, their whole body swings in a circle and with a big change they shoot into the air high above the waves and curving the whole wing brings them back down to ocean level. Again, they are just a spectacle to look at. And where the Wandering Albatross can look a bit scruffy, patches of dark brow, no very distinctive pattern in their coloring, the Blackbrowed Albatross is the opposite. It is like a well dressed bird, who did their hair and make-up. The eyeliner is pristine and the suit of feathers is never out of place. With a wingspan of 240 centimeters they are still very big!

And today we were visited by Pilot Whales as well!! A pod of at least 20 animals came riding on the waves. They were black, shiny and lump headed as they rode the waves. They always make me so happy with their big foreheads and shiny appearance. It just looks like they are having fun and are smiling! They came close to the aft as they passed us by, but we were a little too fast for them to play with. Or maybe they had a purpose and were on their way somewhere. In among the pod, we spotted at least 5 smaller ones, different sizes, but clearly young animals.
As for the sailing part, we have been under sail since this morning 07:30. Winds slowly increased and we set all sails again just so we could eat French toast afterwards. On a close reach we have been making West most of the day, and although the wind is decreasing now, we are still doing our 5 knots, no need for the engine just yet. This afternoon we will have no wind for a period, for it to come back again from the North in the evening. That wind will increase to a near gale force, hopefully getting us South with some pace. We will be preparing for the stronger winds during the afternoon with sail changes and reefs to prepare.
Downstairs the Christmas tree is taking on serious proportions and Christmas decorations can be found nearly everywhere. Still some days away though!
We have a little over 600 miles to go on our course line. Lets see how well we do the coming days, before the South West sets in again.
All is well on board,