North Atlantic
Many colors of grey we have seen. Up until this morning under sail. A shallow low lies to the south of us. At the moment we are punching through the center of it and will most likely have northerlies again by tonight. Water temp is 12 and the air is much the same. The air and the ocean share the same features, wet grey and miserable. You can’t really see where the one ends and the other takes over. The Irminger current brings warm water to the shores of Iceland. It is a branch of the Gulf stream the finds its origin in the Caribbean Sea. Fascinating to thing of the scale of these natural wonders. Once we get with in a 100 nm. or so of the Greenland coast a different current takes over. The East Greenland current. It will be much colder also because of the northerly winds. We will see. Not much can be done about it any way!
Al is well