29´08.8S 038´28.0W course 224´ speed 6,3kn
The past 24 hours haven been very soggy. Between yesterday 18:00 and today 18:00 it has rained almost every minute of the day. But then! Just before dinner, the skies turned into distinguishable clouds, the grey got more color and form and the rain subsided a little. The past 6 hours have been completely dry! The wind has been strong for most of the time, and only around 23:00 did it decrease and it has not increased since. Which is sort of a pity. Don’t get me wrong, I am a force 3 kind of girl, I don’t necessarily like force 5 to 6 bf winds, but right now we are once again stuck with the waves of the force 6, without the pressure in the sails. We get thrown around a little more then I would like. But our speed is up again, doing 6 knots instead of the 4 knots we were doing around watch hand over.
Any way, we can not complain! And we didn’t! Downstairs was nice and dry and comfortable. The rainy hours were spend reading, catching up on sleep with our duvets back into their covers and a cup of tea to get through the day. And while outside, spirits were high, as you can see on the picture of the day. Floris really wanted me to say these are the power rangers, so there you go, I did it. Our three power rangers at watch handover, left to right, Moritz, Magnus and Mark. Their special powers: speed reading, high concentration steering and wave riding.
With the change in weather we have also found a new bird, a Spectacled Petrel. They are completely dark brown, with a white rim around their eyes like they have Harry Potter glasses on. They soar over the waves and use their wing tips to glide just above the surface. We have not spotted any Albatrosses yet, but I am sure they will show up soon, as we make South more and more every day.
Our weather reports are looking pretty good for us, enough wind and from a favorable direction for the next few days. I am reading a book that I got from a expedition crew member from our crossing South last year. Or really I am re-reading it, the story was never finished and leaves it to the readers imagination to find an ending and I wanted to see if my first reading it on land, would be different from reading it at sea, as the ending can be “written” by myself. I have not come to the end of the book yet, but it does make me think a lot of last years crossing into the South. Which was a very different voyage from the one this year!
The second picture in this logbook is of our radar screen when it was still raining.. its set to 12 miles.. 12 miles of rain! It looked like this for almost all of the 24 hours… Right now the screen is completely clean! What a relieve.
All is well on board,