0330 utc 4-2-2023, 60’05S 06204W course 005, speed 6.4
No Drake passage is the same. That is what this one is proving again. We are pushed a little to far to the east for my liking but some 18 hours of boisterous southerlies should make up for that. At the moment a hail squall is coming through just after we took in the jib. Reefed mizzn and staysail only with a little help from the Scania. Strong westerlies is what is on the menu for us the coming morning and afternoon. To much for the main sail on this full and by course. We tried last night but got pushed to far east. It is what it is. We sure cant chance that. But we can deal with it no problem.

The routine of the watches has set back in. A list of spotted wild live is kept as we still miss a few species. The previous watch had some hour glass dolphins as company. We hope to have the same of course as they might be lit up in the moon light! Now back on deck to welcome the winds!