50’06.0N 11’59.3W course 186’ speed 7,1kn
Strong wind day and many waves, but now the wind has decreased and veered a little, making sailing very nice. The group is finding their footing again, the past 24 hours were rough on body and stomage . During the night the waves that were being build up by a force 6 to 7bf, got to a height of 4 or some even 5 meters high. And although we had some showers, we were dry most of the time.
During the day we had beautiful sunny weather, but the wind and the waves remained until the evening. As dark set in we set the new #2 jib to try it out. We left the mainsail down as we were doing 8 knots already.
Other then that there is not much to report on. The atmosphere is good, even with a few seasick people. Photocomposition was again delayed as some of us were unable to join downstairs, and outside was to wet to hold our cameras out.. tomorrow is another day!!
All is well jet