And we are off!!!

27’17.8N 016’32.7W course 192′ speed 7,2kn

And how! We let go of our lines at 14:30 and made our way out of Santa Cruz de Tenerife. On the deck we were still working on getting the last things lashed down. Onions were given a shady place outside, potatoes found their way into the newly varnished box on the deck and the sails were put back on their rightful spot. Just out of the harbor, we were shown all the items we had not lashed down well enough as we had a beam swell, rocking us straight away.

We got the sails up after introductions and soon that little choppy wave turned into a smooth motion and we were off for this amazing big adventure.

We set sail for a voyage of over 5400 miles, our GPS says 5221, but we will make a few more due to winds, doldrums, and low pressure areas as we close in on our destination, Port Stanley.

The work done in the harbor was amazing. So many people at work, so much got done in a short time. We had beautiful weather, enjoyed some evenings in the town, met up with friends and now we have to blow the sawdust out of our hair and get ready for some serious ocean time.

The group is settling in very well. Dorada from the African Market in Santa Cruz went down smoothly and seasickness seems to be kept at bay for now. The first watches have started and between riddles and the question, why are you here, we are getting to know one another.

All is well, Jet
On our way to………

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