Anticyclone or high pressure area





South Atlantic

We have been riding an anticyclone or high pressure area for the last 3 days. Day or night topsails up topsails down, reef in reef out. Everyone pulling more then their weight. The strong north west winds are giving us a push in the right direction. Or sort of… We cant really fetch Tristan on this tack if the wind stays in this quarter but we will get close. How close will be determent by the next few hours. The winds are forecasted to slack off and turn north before disappearing. I really hope to do another hundred miles or so on these and get as close as possible. We will see. Yesterday the kids caught a big yellowfinn tuna. Natalia has been busy with it ever since. Turning it into the most amazing dishes.

Joan fixed our position by sextant and Isolde has been doubling as quiz master during the night watches. Very impressed by the quick answers Delores comes up with! So never a dull moment. For now we are reefed down and battling the elements. Rain is pouring and the waves are spraying us all over. Smiles all a round as we charge on!

All is well


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