Attu, West Greenland
We forced our way through the head winds. Mostly by using the inner lead route. Learning from the locals who frequent them on their way to and from the fjord systems. It can be hair raising at times but also extremely scenic! The last of the head winds lost its grip on us yesterday just be for we came at anchor in Ukkiivik or Sydbay. We arrived nice and early so had plenty of time to explore. A Caribou came bolting down a green slope obviously aware that it was the 1st of august and the season for caribous was open… Not often do we meet these animals this close.

No wind meant mosquitos though. Plenty of repellent and nets were used but still they get under your skin. A beautiful day came to an end with a marvelous evening. The Wilds! There is no place like it! This morning an uneventful passage brought us to Attu, a small village in amongst a lot of rocks. Most of them not charted… With not a breath in the air the sea looked like a mirror! In fact, it was. The horizon was full of mirages, objects behind the horizon coming up in mirror reflection. We enjoyed our time ashore but back at the boat Hazel prepared the best finger food to wash down with a beverage of choice. Live is good above the Circle. Tomorrow we are off to a local crafts festival. Hopping to pick up some new skills.
All is well