Posts by: Jannette Sluik

The number two

The pour mutilated number two spent most of our world trip shamefully folded away on deck. It was not until Freemantle, Australia when she came back to live. Some of her creme pannels had to be replaced with some white ones. She bares her scares well, and is ever so eager.

Take the in shore passage…

The good thing is the winds are likely to be from the west... This is what our fisherman was worried about, and that is why he always took the inshore passage. Of course I had considered this, but it puts a lot of miles to the already long trip.

The (high)lights of Herschel and Barter Island in a watch By Hester Jiskoot

After days of breathtaking and zealously dancing northern lights, this night we have to do with lazy and broad chalky strokes on the celestial slate. For only a short while we observe this aurora

Under sail again

The beach was littered with drift wood, big and small, grey, weathered and old, no plastic. But alas, as they climbed over the first bit of permafrost close to shore, there it was

Dinner in Dease Stait

Early as in before the last journey of Franklin. The happy days... Although Britain did not need the North West Passage by the time Sir John was rising the ranks, it became a matter of national pride. On his first trip north he was to map the area to the east of the Coppermine river.

Making our way along a coast with a beautiful and also horrific history

Further along the coast we will find a bay called starvation cove, not without reason. For this is the place the last of the Franklin expedition members perished.

M’Clure was the first man to sail the NWP… Not M’Clintock.

The first recorded voyage insearch of such a passage was madde by John an Sabastian Cabot at the end of the 15th century. After that many of such expeditions

Sea Ice

the last known stop of the Franklin expedition before they disappeared into history. A few graves and some new memorials remain on sight.

Around (the) Disko we go.

Around (the) Disko we go.

After finding our way into a beautiful anchorage at Fortunebay, we had a good night rest (thanks to a small.

Our voyage has started

Our voyage has started

The day has come. Our voyage has started. Our group is on board and the groceries have been bought. Did.