Autumn and sailing


CG 050
SP 6kn

Yesterday we took in the main and the jib. Rumbling along at 10 plus kn was enough. Forecast gives strong gales for later today and tomorrow so we better make a plan. We gybed yesterday evening just be for dinner and headed north on a port tack. The wind slowly started to veer and  so we veered with it. We are in no rush to get to Reykjavik. It will become a lee shore with 45kn of wind from the north. No thank you. We will deal with it with some more sea room. The advantage of a ketch rig is that she is very stable under forestay sail and mizzen. And if the wind becomes to much you can always hove to. Taking in the staysail and sheeting home the mizzen she will look after her self. The fishermen that used to work these boats needed a save deck to work on. Her long keel keeps her on the seas when laying behind her nets! Actually she is quite the perfect boat for this type of work. Although we are rolling a little, downstairs in the saloon you don’t notice it a bit. Having said that, dealing with this type of weather is a serious thing. Safety nets are hung and instructions are given. Always be prepared!

all is well Gijs

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