
“We live for those fantastic and unreal moments of beauty which our thoughts may build upon the passing panorama of experience”

Rockwell Kent tells it best. It is in these moments I find true happiness. Short lived as is it may be, I’ll chase that rush for the next hit! I have found it today in the form of Blue Whale Hr. An unexpected turn of events landed this little pearl in my lap. Weather did not allow us to anchor at Hercules Bay Yesterday. Fortuna Bay had a big cruise ship in it so what do you do? You do what you are good at. Explore! No time tables just the elements that set the limits. A Southern Right Whale cheered us on when we handbreak turned out of Fortuna Bay. Blue Whale Hr! Joan had the fright of her live and thought we where heading for Tristan already. She soon found out that luck and a rising barometer where on her side. It was late afternoon when we dropped anchor in the sheltered bay. No time was wasted in getting the dingy ready. My eye was on a little knol in the middle of what looked like a small valley. A perfect lookout to make a plan for the next day.

On the beach the king pinguins were moulding and the little fur seals didnt seem to mind our presence. The elevation of the little hill was soon reach by our eager hikers. What a sight! Looking strait in to Antarctic bay with the sun on the Ice bergs. The other side showed a gale in full swing. What luck we mortals felt! All the effort it took to get us here payed of! Alone in the wilderness! As Im writing this the rest is getting ready for the excursion. The young ones are of on a daring quest. They will try to bag a couple of summits and meet us in Possession Bay. Their own adventure with out authority just a compass and two friends they have sailed around the world with! Splendid!
All is well
Just wonderful, all this! Thanks a lot, all is well in Holland as well, just a little grey.