43’58.8S 054’06.1W course 215′ speed 8,2kn
Today we had a beautiful day of calm weather and sunshine, but we were under engine all day, until dinner time. We used this time well, not just to read books in the sun and sunbathe, but also to prepare for the wind we knew was coming. And the wind has arrived, or part of it has. During the night the wind is said to increase a little more, going into a near gale, force 7.

We are under reefed mainsail, reefed mizzen, forestaysail and storm jib right now and are on somewhat between a beam reach and a broad reach. We are keeping a little higher then our courseline directly to the Falkland Island, hoping this will make our live easier in a day or so, when the wind changes westerly.
With this speed we are eating away at our miles to our goal. 489 miles to go! We hope everybody can sleep a little tonight. It is one of the rare occasions that we are on a Starboard tack, so a little adjustment for all of us. Walking differently, serving the coffee on the other side, and lee boards up on the Starboard cabins! Of our 35 days underway now, I believe only 5 have been on the Starboard tack!
Picture of the day was won by Floris, picture was taken just after setting sail. I believe Floris has found a new function on his phone to enhance the colors! But the blue skies really were very blue today!!!
All is well on board,