28-2-2023, 56’36S 067’06W, course 070, speed 6kn
Land ho! The clouds lift and a little triangular shaped rock appears. Slightly crooked and with its own little cumulus. There it is the dreaded Cape Horn. First sighted by Schouten and Le Mair over 500 years ago. It lies there basking in the sun while we suffer the last rain drops. I have seen it numerous times and in different moods, but it is as trilling as the first time, every time! We are in the final stage of the Drake passage to Puerto Williams. We have sailed most of it and broken some records while at it. Yesterday we did 14 kn and over a hundred miles in under 10 hours. Tecla behaved superb! Up, over, down, under the waves, never lost control. Its a good feeling when you don’t have to worry about that!
When we left the Antarctic peninsula it was with the best views ever! You could see all through the Gerlaches strait nearly a hundred miles away! Unbelievable! Not an awful lot of words where spoken. Steven, one of our voyage crew described it as ethereal! I had to look it up but it but yes it was. Some tears where shed and memories made. Such is the live of the Antarctic traveler. However late in the season. The weather proved to be the best we had so far. We where able to visit all our desired sites and found a good window in the weather at the end.
At the moment we are anticipating some strong winds from the west southwest. They should give us the last push into the Chilean canals. After clearing in we will set of on an adventure into the rugged waters of Patagonia. Cant wait!!!
al is well