
Our small little world

Our small little world

55’10.1S 064’07.8W course 261′ speed 7.5kn Today we spend most of the day in the fog. Sometimes so thick we.

Happy New Year!

Happy New Year!

53’40.7S 061’17.5W course 235′ speed 6,2kn Its a grey misty night. No wind, some waves, no traffic, no wild life.

Underway again

Underway again

52’09.3S 058’23.7W course 230′ speed 5,2kn As always when in port, we get too busy or maybe it’s more that.

Arrival Stanley

Arrival Stanley

We have arrived on the Falkland Islands, moored in the harbor of Stanley along side the East Jetty.We arrived in.

Hail, rain and wind

Hail, rain and wind

50´40.9S 057´10.2W course 191´ speed 5,1kn What was a beautiful morning, with high waves, but light sailable winds, turned into.

Shaking out our reefs

Shaking out our reefs

48’51.9S 056’20.5W course 202′ speed 6,4kn Making miles South as quick as possible, is all its been about the last.

Windy South Atlantic Weather

Windy South Atlantic Weather

46’37.3S 054’56.5W course 175′ speed 6,1kn After so many days of sunny beautiful weather, of course we knew it would.

Calm before the wind

Calm before the wind

43’58.8S 054’06.1W course 215′ speed 8,2kn Today we had a beautiful day of calm weather and sunshine, but we were.



43’00.2S 051’20.5W course 270′ speed 5,1kn Today we have seen so many Albatrosses, it was amazing! The great Wandering Albatross.

Mary Catherine O’Connor reflects on her time as a guest lecturer

Mary Catherine O’Connor reflects on her time as a guest lecturer

Mary Catherine O’Connor reflects on her time as a guest lecturer in Old Norse literature and culture aboard a 1915.