
Rocking the Southern Ocean

Rocking the Southern Ocean We have been rocking the southern Ocean now for 9 days and the past day was.

No wind, so work to be done on deck

No wind, so work to be done on deck The wind died out during the night. We got the mizzen.

Cold, colder, coldest!

Cold, colder, coldest! This afternoon the wind was predicted to change from a north east to a south west. A.

North East breeze, nice weather, speeding along

The summery of our day and even days so far has been a north (north) easterly breeze, weather that turns.

Tecla logbook entry 10-11-2013 12:17 UTC

Tecla logbook entry 10-11-2013 12:17 UTC It is still the middle of the night, the first night with some moonlight.

Friday for the second time!

Friday for the second time! So today was Friday all over again! This morning we set our clocks back across.

The Chatham Islands and beyond

The Chatham Islands and beyond Thursday afternoon and Friday were spend on the Chatham Islands. We entered the Petre Bay.

Beautiful sailing

Beautiful sailing All day long we have been speeding along nicely, the weather was good, the sailing beautiful. The wind.

We have passed the 180E and are now in W… but not yet over the date border!

We have passed the 180E and are now in W… but not yet over the date border! This night we.

Training day – no wind

Training day – no wind The wind left us early in the morning and we had to start the engine,.