
Training day – no wind

Training day – no wind The wind left us early in the morning and we had to start the engine,.

All sails set for the Chatham Islands

All sails set for the Chatham Islands The Tecla has left Auckland, but not yet New Zealand. Around 13:00 hours.

whangamumu anchorage

Captured by the welcome and beauty of New ZealandCaptured by the welcome and beauty of New Zealand

The Tecla in New Zealand. We are absolutely captured by the beauty and grace of this land. What an amazing overwhelming natural country! I hope the following pictures will capture a bit off that amazingness that we feel.

sydney to auckland race start off the tall ships regatta

Last race logbooklaatste race logboekje

Last race logbook The finish is in sight, but with this wind it might take us a while. The wind.

Tecla team in her Racing mood! De Tecla bemanning en het totale race gevoel

  Tecla team in her Racing mood! This morning did not start very good, we discovered a small part of.

Last sprint in light weather downwind?Het laatste sprintje met een voor de winds briesje?

Last sprint in light weather downwind? So it is down to the last 200 miles for us to catch up.

Rain, wind shift, lots of wind and sail changesRegen, wind shifts, veel wind en veel zeil wisselingen

  Rain, wind shift, lots of wind and sail changes Every day we are in contact with race control, once.

11 knots – we can’t GO any faster! 11 knopen en harder kan het niet!

  11 knots – we can’t GO any faster! “Anything is better than being seasick” one of our voyage crew.

From getting blown out of your socks, to windless doldrums talkVan je uit je sokken geblazen worden tot totale windstilte, doldrum geklets!

  From getting blown out of your socks, to windless doldrums talk Late afternoon we buzzed along with 9 knots,.

Racing the Tall Ships Regatta 2013 – Sydney AucklandEn de race is begonnen! Tall Ship Regatta 2013 Sydney Auckland

  Racing the Tall Ships Regatta 2013 – Sydney Auckland Yesterday it was hot! Extremely Hot! We set sail from.