07’53.5N 029’14.7W
4,8 kn course 180′
Start of the Doldrums
This morning showers started to form on the horizon. Wind was shifty and increasing, so we took down the topsail at midday. We had to do some work on the mizzen gaff, so we took the mizzen down for a little bit, once up again, the wind was turned to a southerly breeze and we were heading West.
Around 15:00 hours, we were a playball of the waves, the wind had completely left us and so we turned on the engine. Was this the start of the doldrums? The weather report was still showing wind, 10 to 12 knots from the East, but they were not where we were..
Luckily at 01:00h we could turn of the engine again and we are back sailing! Not too fast.. but still, if we are already in the doldrums, this is a pretty nice speed! Wind has turned to the South South East, which could be the influence of the trade winds on the South pacific! Sailing close hauled or between a reach and close hauled, is a refreshing change after all that down wind sailing!
Heathers recipe for chocolate and pear cake is in the make! Will let you know how it goes!
Carrots are going moldy pretty fast as well, but the carrotcake of the last time, is something we still talk about.. not sure it is in the best way possible.