01’34.9S 032’30.8 W
5kn course 192′
Across the equator and into Neptune’s realm
Very early on the morning of the 29th, we crossed the equator at 04:59 board time. We woke everybody up, made a playlist with as many songs as possible with the ocean, the sea and sailing in it and counted down the last tenths of a mile. We had a tot of rum to celebrate and received word that Neptune would visit us, during the afternoon to see if the 5 pollywog’s on board where worthy of getting access to his realm and become shellback’s.
When Poseidon finally arrived, it was seen that the crew was worthy as we had reeved down the ship that morning with just the watch on deck, and we were by that time going as much close hauled as possible into a nice 5 Beaufort breeze.. The ceremony therefore was sweet but simple! A short seawater bath and all crew received their name to enter the realm of the sea creatures. We can now ad a Royal Albatross, a Seahorse, a Chin strap Penguin, a Commorson Dolphin and a Sea turtle to the realm!
Right now we are under reeved main and mizzen sail, with nr 2 jib up going as much close hauled as the waves will permit. A strange, confused sea state has calmed down, but also build up somewhat to a slightly longer swell of about 2 meters. The wind has been backing and veering all day. We were hoping to leave the Fernando do Norhonha islands to our starboard side without a tack, but this seems less and less likely. But who knows, closer to land, the wind may keep on backing!