Day 19, turning vegetables

07’06.7S 032’40.8W
7,1 kn course 181′

A trade wind kind of day
Today was a lazy, good speed, nice sailing, but not much to do, kind of day. A trade wind kind of day! We have the typical trade wind cumulus clouds, nice and steady wind from the South East and a steady course due South or South by West. Gradually the wind has decreased to a steady force 4 sometimes 3 bf, with a small swell and a slight wave. It is such nice sailing, you would almost forget, not every day is like this.

During the day watches we keep busy with small chores, splicing ratlines, varnishing small things, cleaning up after breakfast, lunch or dinner and preparing breakfast, lunch and dinner. At night we keep busy with cleaning, vegetable turning and chatting away when the hours are darkest. The vegetable turning started off being a job of almost 45 minutes. Now it is done within 20 minutes, with mostly oranges, limes, apples, potatoes, tomatoes, unions, pumpkins, sweet potatoes some peppers and some zucchini’s left. By now we have frozen all of the carrots and some banana’s and pineapple, as they were going bad very quickly and very much all together. We have a system where the vegetables that need to be eaten first are places in a separate case, so I know they need to go. It is nice to come up with new recipes, with the vegetables from the crate. Two nights ago it was a combination of eggplant, union and leek, which we made into a vegetable tart with frozen spinach and fetta cheese and a crust of oats and almond flour. Very nice! Last night it was a pumpkin, chickpea and dates dish from the oven, with chicken and bacon! I wonder what tomorrow will bring. I saw some cabbage that needs to go.. and some unions… maybe Nasi goreng with Smoor will be nice..!

ocean sailing

One Response to “Day 19, turning vegetables

    2 years ago

    Wishing you all ,including our chairman, Andy, Good sailing and a fair wind.
    All good and under control at WP.
    Best Wishes from us all, Cheers

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