01:10 bt 15-12-2022
51’48.5S 054’22.9W
6,8kn course 095′
On our way to South Georgia
Yesterday morning, we left Port Stanley just as it was getting light. All the work on board has been finished, the welding is done (thank you Paul and Sally of Martech!!) and new anchor chokes are on the deck. Our crew had thoroughly enjoyed their stay on the island and visited numerous sights, like gypsy cove, kidney cove and volunteer point, so now it is time for us to set sail to our next destination. South Georgia.
In port Stanley we viewed a introduction video on visiting South Georgia, we introduced our new expedition crew to the ways how to behave, what to do and what not to do once we are ready land on South Georgia and this just made the anticipation greater. The introduction video is amazing. The sights, the story and David Attenborough’s voice to guide us through. It was only 20 minutes, but it could have lasted for more then an hour. Although everybody knows how special South Georgia is, this video does attribute to the sense of importance of the guidelines in place. An eco-system on the rise.
As we left the harbor this morning we were able to set all sails and head out of port William with 8 knots. Sadly the wind decreased and backed, so we had to start the engine. This afternoon we hope the wind will be back and we will be able to set sail again.
For now the ocean is a mirror. The moon just rose all orange and bright, reflecting on the water surface. The Southern Cross is to our starboard side and the luminescent algae are in our wake.