Day 43, work out

01:30 bt 27-11-2022
38’02.2S 047’28.6W
6.3kn course 245′

Today was a very calm beautiful day. The weather has been amazing, sunny, warm, with a cool slight breeze. To bad for us, this breeze was not enough to fill the sails. We have been under engine since this morning as the confused seastate was too challenging for the small breeze that remained. No force 4 to 5, just the wave hight. This does mean we have been averaging 6 to 7 knots towards the Falkland Islands, which is not bad at all! We tried to have a swim stop just before lunch, but felt there was too much rocking of the ship and still some speed left with a small breeze. We will try again today! The water is down to 17 degrees, so for us, this will be a cold dip! I think I’ll dive in and be back on deck straight away.
With both watches on deck at noon, we have been doing some exercises, we have made it to a 3 min plan, 1,5 minute side plank on each side, 60 squads, 30 push ups and 150 mountain climbers. We have been building this up since the beginning of the voyage, with the idea to increase every week, so far so good. But I feel a small glitch coming in our next increase, which should be today… 3,5 min plank.. wow. 1 minute and 45 seconds side plank… and then.. 70 squats and 35 pushups… that is not going to work…. I may be steering for this next exercise!! Or like today challenge them to a ‘bring sally up’ challenge with squats!

Tinke, photo made by Rachel

The start of the night watch was filled with a starlit sky. Amazing what you can see if there is little light around. We only have our navigational lights to intervene with our sight in the dark, no moon, no electric lights on deck etc. It is quite the impressive sight so high above us! So many stars, such a clear milky way. And then the southern cross, still guiding us South!

sunrise , photo by Marit

One Response to “Day 43, work out

  • Mijke
    2 years ago

    Wow, what an exercise challenge. You will end this trip in supershape. Knowing Sanne, she will not quit. Give her my love, Mijke

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