15’46.4N 027’15.9W
6,3kn course 202′
Topsail set
Bring out the big guns! The wind has decreased, the seastate is getting more settled, so it is time to bring out the big guns! This afternoon, just before dinner we set the main topsail, our speed machine now that the wind is gradually decreasing. At noon there was still a force 4 with boat speeds over 7 knots, so we waited for the evening watch hand over to set the topsail. And it looks amazing! It has been 3 years since I myself have had the topsails up, so it good to see them again!
Other then that, out Mango crisis has been solved by having chicken and mango curry, with mango and pear chutney and a mango and green tomato salsa! What a dinner!
We are currently passing the Cape Verde Islands without stopping. Not wanting to waste too much time before we know how we will get through the doldrums, we have decided not to stop anywhere before we have crossed the equator. Also there is a bit of a wind gap to the South of the Islands right now, making it less attractive and easier to pass them by. All day we have had sea weed drift by, possibly due to the closeness of land, just under 100NM. Also a young gannet was spotted during the previous watch, which may turn out to not be a gannet as we are pretty far south for them, but it may turn out to be a Brown Boobie! Much more tropical!