Easter decorations
And the sail changes continued on Eastern Sunday, more
sail, Gijs said, lets decorate this eastern branch! This morning at 06:00 the #2
jib was changed into our #1 jib, lovingly called “Kiddo” or BAMF, the one that
will get us where we want to go! Then maintopsail up, shook the reef out of the
mizzen and last but not least, our mizzen topsail. Under full sails set we were
doing 6 knots as the wind and the waves slowly decreased. During the afternoon
the wind seemed to stay at a steady force 3, but as darkness came, so did more
wind. Right now we are doing 7,7 knots, the previous watch averaged 6,8 over 6
hours, so lets see what the night watch can do.
Other then that, we had
a lovely eastern brunch, but were not able to participate in any egg searches..
I normally love hiding eggs or searching for them, but due to circumstances…..
no eggs.. Cravelas was good for a lot of things, we found more supplies readily
available then we had expected when we came up the river and had difficulty
distinguishing the village in the river bushes.. It even had plenty off eggs;
white ones, brown ones; big ones and small ones.. We ordered 100 brown medium
sized eggs at the greengrocery.. but in all the confusion with supplies being
dropped off on different times then expected and stores being packed in the
heat, we did not check for eggs, we just trusted the delivery boy on his big
brown eyes.. Two days out, our last eggs from Ilha Grande ran out, but no new
ones could be found any where… An eggless journey it has been… But we are
not letting this ruin our eastern mood, with 7,9 knots now, we are chasing the
eastern bunny to the Azores and will have a nice Egg and Bacon breakfast when we
get there. Happy eastern everybody!