Pos: 56’16 N 009’50 W
COG 244
Spd 7kts
The fresh Tecla crew (9 of us in all) has been underway for just over 30 hours, but it could also be 45 or 51 hours for all we know. Time has gone a bit bendy, which means the Tecla Nine have slipped into a new rhythm while we search for wind that will take us South. We’ve found a bunk we like (top bunks are favoured over bottom bunks), a tea we like (ginger & lemon is going fast; ginger is said to be good for settling stomachs, and there are a few stomachs that needs settling), and a book from the Tecla library to read.
The grumble of Tecla’s engine has become a gentle background noise (almost), and now we’ve become more attuned to other sounds during our watches. The slapping of the sails as they search for wind. The waves that hum like an old men’s choir warming up. And if we’re lucky, the pop of a dolphin coming up for air. They’re always on starboard – our windward side for the last day – before they move to the bow to play. At night, the water is flecked with bioluminescense as they race back and forth. During the day, they swim more lazily and turn on their side to have a peek at these brand new sailors still finding their feet and finding their way through the 6-hour watches.

On that note, we can highly recommend the following ways of further bending time while you wait for the sun to rise or set, and for the next cup of coffee and the next watch to come and take over:
– Guess that line. 9 point for correctly identifying the ‘mizzen peak halyard jigger'(try that after a Scottish whiskey or two). 0 points for ‘a rope’.
– Discussing appropriate gear is always good conversation. Wool layers are universally favoured for night watches off the Outer Hebrides and now, Ireland. Sailing gloves are great, but even better are the washing-up gloves from the Ullapool Hardware Shop. The jury is out whether the yellow Marigold brand (GBP 4.99) or the generic orange ones (a steal at GPB 2.99) are better for manning the helm.
– Guess that light. Like guess that line, but of more vital importance. Oil tankers and lighthouses are not to be sullied with, so 10 points all around for spotting one.
The pressure is slowly dropping, and we’re hopeful for more wind tonight or tomorrow. The grumble of Tecla’s engine has served us well, but there is nothing quite like the sound of sailing under our own power.
All is well,
Steph (yellow Marigold ones, in case you were wondering)
Update: 00:00 under sail again, without engine and an average of 6,5 knots, showers around us so speed goes up and down. Picture of the day by Steph