It has been getting chilly the last 24 hours. This night the temperature dropped to 3 degrees and it is expected to drop further to 0 degrees during the day, with sleet expected. This is all due to some low pressure areas with a cold front passing over. After this, the wind is expected to turn to the North West which would be in our favor to set sail again towards other beautiful destinations.

Camebridge bay has been good to us. We are at anchor, but could go alongside yesterday to pick up some fuel and water. The anchorage is close to the town, that seems oddly Western compared to the settlements we have seen so far. There are houses with porches and veranda’s here and even a KFC and Pizza hut! Although the Pizza hut is reported to only sell two sorts of pizza and the KFC has a big menu, but for most of the items on the menu, there is no price… because they do not really offer it..

The group has been exploring the back land of Cambridge bay yesterday and rented a 4×4 to get to one of the higher parts of this island for the view. And it was definitely worth it!! Some of them got a little bruised in the back of the jute, but did not complain when they saw the lakes all spread out in front of them.