69’06.6N 116’36.4W course 148′ speed 5,6kn
The North West wind is blowing us straight into Dolphin and Union strait. Going down wind we had to put in a gybe last night as we headed into Victoria Island. Now we are at the south end of Dolphin and Union Strait. In an hour or so we will gybe again and keep our night watch nice and warm with some activity. The temperature is down to 6 or 7 degrees Celsius. So keep on moving.
Dolphin and Union strait is named after the small boats of the Franklin expedition over land. Franklin and doctor Richardson set out years before Franklins fated expedition, over land, towing two smaller boats, to map out the coastline and piece together the pieces that would add up to be the North West Passage. This expedition, although rough and Franklin making a name for himself as the man who ate his boot, did map an unbelievable big area! And we are sailing right through that area.
In the winter time Dolphin and Union freezes over. It is a place where caribou cross over to Victoria island, where in the summer they graze.
Ice reports: https://iceweb1.cis.ec.gc.ca/Prod/page3.xhtml
This afternoon we received the latest ice reports, ice water in Peel sound and in most of the bottle necks of the North West Passage, completely clear of dense Ice floes! Searching back in time, we realized that between the 16th and the 19th of august in 2019 we had the thickest ice off our passage in 2019. We got stuck twice for 36 hours, maneuvering in the ice, making only 0,7 miles per hours towards the goal. Sailing here, with 5 knots, almost ready for a gybe, feels a lot more comfortable. You can follow the Tecla with Yellow Brick, and also follow the route of the NWP 2019! https://my.yb.tl/Tecla
All is well on board, Jet