27’53.4S 006’00.2E course 301′ speed 7,1kn

Photo by Max
Our first Sunday at sea. And it was a good one. We started of with lots off wind, sun came out, wind decreased, sea state decreased a little with it and steering became a little easier. During the morning watch a shark was spotted, it followed the Tecla for a little bit but then set off for a floating object just a boat length away. The big fin was an impressive sight! Later during the afternoon watch we saw dolphins, Spotted dolphins to be exact. But as we all took out our camera’s they seemed to have decided that the 4 meter swell that was still running was a lot more impressive then the bow wave of the Tecla. And off they went, before we could get them in a picture… Because of course we are all trying to win that picture of the day contest.

Max won the picture of the day contest, picture will follow later, I have not received it yet. It was just after we set the mainsail, just before our Sunday beer and dinner. The mainsail went up very quickly this time, no sheet corners to work on. With the mainsail (still with reef) up we are rolling around a little less. Our speed is good, direction could be a little better. Maybe tomorrow afternoon we gybe.
Our Sunday beer was a big succes, after setting the mainsail and clearing the deck, it really felt like we deserved it. We sat on the aft in the last sun rays, chatting and just enjoying the Sunday buzz. And then dinner, Sunday roast (or tuna steak for the non meat, but fish eaters) with mash potatoes carrots and salad.
Let’s introduce our two stowaways!! More about them later!

We have started chopping up some vegetables that are going faster then we can eat. Now we just need space in our freezer to be able to keep them for a longer time. So even though our chicken crisis has been averted, we now need space for our vegetables!
Our flue patient is getting better and better and no new patients have presented themselves… Possibly we have seen the last of our friend the flue!
All is well on board, jet
Follow the ship:https://my.yb.tl/Tecla
Sounds like a Good atmosphere on board and looking Good Stella