Heading for Nome

64’18.2N 165’56.3W course 060′ speed 6,6kn

The past few days we have been hoping to get a spot in the harbor of Nome, for some last bunkering of water, some last shopping for the crew and just a nice night alongside in a pretty cool place. And luckily tonight we got clearance to come into the small boat harbor and find a spot! So, Nome it is! With just 16 miles to go, we can already see some lights on shore, which is more then we have had in the past few days.

The last 24 hours have been very smooth and enjoyable sailing! Small waves, small swell and gentle breeze, just perfect, my kind of wind! We passed st Lawrence Island, without stopping as the ice report we are getting are quickly improving, more and more ice is disappearing and the break-up along the coast line is complete on the west side of the NWP. We are already overtaken by the bug that is the NWP so it is fair to say we are getting a bit antsy , or jumpy or nervous or just happy with the prospect of really setting sail for the first bit of ice.

During the day we have been having some really nice discussions, about vision, personal responsibility and many more subjects, they were handed to the next watch to have more discussions and were joined by those who just poked their heads out to see what kind of weather it was. And we ended with a sum up of favorite YouTube channels. 😉

The weather has been good, but visibility has been bad. It is getting colder, and with fog hanging around and closing in on us some times, it felt water cool. But, the sun really did try to get through, breaking through the clouds every now and then. Which was very nice.

All is well on board, Jet

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