High pressure delight

30’07.6S 012’03.5E course 306′ speed 7,3

Photo by Max, 03-04-2024
We seem to be on the right side of a high pressure area that is giving us a, not so gentle, push in the right direction! Since last night our mainsail has been down and although it is missed for its pressure when the wind is a little lighter, generally speaking, we have been very happy with the small rig we have on now! Waves are still very inconsistent and messy, but we are surfing along very nicely. Just before dinner we had one wave jump on the aft. Which was immaculate timing, as half the crew that was not on watch and there for was not wearing foul weather gear, was outside.. They all got doused and looked a little like drowned kittens.. But we had a laugh and the picture of the day was won by Joel, a picture of the washed crew just 30 seconds after the wave hit (picture will follow later).

Other then that, we have little news to share, we have made a good amount of miles in the last 24 hours, steering is getting better and better and those down with seasickness have been able to eat their meals inside, so they are on the mend!

As I said yesterday, due to small mistakes, little lapses in judgment or just being misinformed, we sometimes have to work a little harder then usual, like setting the mainsail and having to re-do the sheet corner, the tack, the reeftackle etc and therefore spending an hour longer on setting the sail.. Well we have more of those little misfortunes, happy mistakes.. One of them was in our food order.. Instead of 3 whole chickens.. we got 3 whole boxes with whole chicken.. 24 whole chickens… of course these did not all fit into the freezer, which also contained mince meat, pork neck, stew meat etc…. And so I have been working hard on cooking and using the chicken that did not fit in the freezer.. so far we have finished 5 of the 10 whole chickens that did not fit in the freezer any more!!! Chicken salad for the sandwich, chicken soup, chicken from the oven for dinner in two different ways.. 4 chicken where prepared in the oven and then fitted into the freezer by getting other things out and slowly we are using everything.. but even if we are a week into this voyage I believe the meat freezer will look like we have not taken anything out of it yet!

Our supplies have been good, except for some small things.. One of them being egg free mayonaise.. And our courgettes are nearly all going bad,.. but they can be eaten fairly quickly! Some of the oranges were already bad when we got them, and fermented orange is not very nice, so the bad ones went over board.. Still 85 oranges left, and 40 grapefruits, 200 bananas, 10 pineapples, 65 apples, 3 big watermelons, 30 mango’s, some mandarins and loads of limes. We are happy for now! And we need the vitamin as we have a small flue circling the ship.. best keep our defences up!
Other then the flue, all is well on board!

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