How to Gear up
It is hard to make a packing list (or kit list) for our voyages. We would not want you to take too many things, as you will have to carry them back and forth, but we would also dislike you coming unprepared. Some of the items on the list may not be in your wardrobe, but we highly recommend you do buy them. Not because we want you to have more things, or spend more money, but for some voyages, doing without, is just not wise.
Therefor we would like to advertise the Patagonia way of buying and having clothing items, “buy it, wear it, repair it and pass it on”! What does this mean? It means that if you are the first owner of a really nice memory of Antarctica in a nice, very thick down jacket, that you will never use at home, and thus it is collecting dust in your attic, it might be an idea to sell it to a fellow adventurer. Or if you are a first time adventurer and not sure if this world is for you, you can buy second hand clothing, slightly cheaper, so you can get started easier.
There are several websites worldwide that help you find second hand, amazing outdoor and expedition clothing, but it is also the place where you can sell them, in case your voyage was a once in a lifetime experience and you no longer need the specialized clothing. Examples are or / and many many more!!
To get you started, some essential gear for colder climates is definitely Merino wool under-layer. You can choose the lighter ones, they keep your warm and cool. Or the heavy ones for the cold nights. The best thing of merino wool is, it is not just warm, it is also odorless for a long time. So even if you get warm setting some sails during your watch or hiking up a hill, it will keep you fresh. For longer voyages, this makes a big difference.
Keeping feet and hands warm is also essential. Bring some good water tight gloves, the ones that keep you warm, not the ones that look cool. Also leave room in your boots for an extra set of socks.

Please be advised that almost all our landings on shore are with a dinghy. And one thing we always say about dinghy landings, it is always a wet landing, until it is a dry landing. So please be aware that you wear waterproof clothing in the dinghy for rain, freak waves and stepping off in shallow water.
On board we sell beanies and woolen over socks to keep you warm while you are reading a book in our cosy corner or while playing a card game just before dinner.
For area’s like the Falkland Islands (las malvinas), South Georgia, Antarctica and Tierra del Fuego, we also recommend that the expedition clothing you wear ashore is clean and free of any pollen, seeds, hairs or dirt when you come on board. We will have to keep to strict Bio-Security measures on board and this means that you will have to clean and check your Velcro, lining, shoes etc every time you go ashore and when you come back on board. This way new seeds or even bird diseases cannot spread through our presence in these surroundings. We have a washing machine and dryer on board. BUT we do not have unlimited access to water. One wash, halfway through the voyage is possible, more than once is only possible when water levels allow it. Please do not count on that.
Would you like to know more and gear up for your next adventure? Read more about our Kit List