50’32S 031’45W
Slowly the breeze picked up yesterday. When we finally turned of the engine Tecla shot of like a young mare. A still oceaan and a light breeze, pure joy. Water temperature stopped rising and bets where on on when the sun would come out. The thin layer of status still hiding the deep blue of the austral sky. In hind side all a warning singe for what lay a head.
Picture: Larsen hr

Photo: Cumberland bay

After a good meal of Chilean salmon the evening watch started. A single patch of blue gave false hopes for the night. As darkness set in the ice bergs began to pup up like mushrooms. Mean little growlers floated by showing of their teeth. By 2100 I had turned of al navigation lights to be able to see a little better in the pitch black. The air was moist so our search light was doomed useless. Still sailing along at a considerable speed the look out was doubled. More and more ice showed up on the RADAR al of it of land origine, the hardest you can get! At this stage I had to start looking for leads, bouncing from one berg to the next. To be honest I was having the time of my live. Knowing that dawn wasnt to far away. It is these moments you think of when you are queuing in line at the supermarket and think how did I get here… Just when it all started to look serious the RADAR screen opened up and we where out. Good timing! As it was porridge time. The water temperature still stuck on 6 degrees Im a little cautious in my prophecy for this evening… What ever it will be we will have to deal with it!
All is well