25’54.2N 017’44.0W course 210′ speed 6,5kn
Just another beautiful day. Although we have been fighting the light winds and therefore the rolling of the ship all day, it was also a beautiful day. Wind was unsteady in direction and force, so we put in a gybe just after lunch. That made life a lot more comfortable as we had a better course on the waves.. but that did not last for more then 2 hours or so.

For those who felt a little seasick at first, tonight it seems that has dissipated. Which is very nice, that way we can all start enjoying the calm roll, the rush of the ocean going by and the breeze in your hair.
Weather has been good, some cumulus clouds, but only one small shower so far, just before we came on watch. The moon is almost full and gave big halo around it, almost a moon bow, very beautiful! The weather forecast shows that winds will stay very light. No 25 knot trade wind can be found around this area this year. Maybe after the Cape Verde Islands. Air temperature is about 25 degrees in the shade. Small groups of flying fish have been spotted, none on the deck so far! I have not yet told Tim, Pedro and Joanne, in this midnight watch, that we will soon have to start doing rounds on the deck to get the fish off.. they will catch on soon enough!
Also after today we will start our picture of the day again. We will send them with the logbook to show you our life on board!
All is well, Jet
On our way to:

Boa pescaria!!!
Já antes de Cabo Verde, o vento está mais forte!
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