
A strong wind saw us of early on Saturday. Mostly from the SW making for some smooth sailing.

Ian the harbor master of Fair Isle had the ferry on the slip so we had plenty of room to go along side. Our early departure became an early arrival and with that extra time we set of to explore the little Island.

Just over 50 people call Fair Isle home. Most of the houses are on the south shore with their potato patches facing the sun. We had a spontaneous visit to the museum where we were created by one of the locals. Fair Isle history is closely woven with the sea. The men used to go out fishing in boats propelled mostly by oars. They resembled the long ships from the Viking past. In the morning stones were gathered for ballast. When a fish was caught a stone of similar weight was thrown overboard. The island lies on the border of the Atlantic and North Sea. Big tides and currents sweep past! The changing temperatures cause fog or pour visibility. Still these crews went out for their catch. Often navigating on The Mother Swell to guide the boats back to safety.

Today there are no more fishermen. The Islanders depend on the soil for their crops and sheep grass the hills. The island is mostly self-supporting. The ferry being the live line to mainland Shetland. At the end of the lambing season the little ferry brings them across the stretch of water to Sumburgh Head for market. This is where Ian and the Good Shepherd overtook us yesterday. We had a good run, but they still beat us there on our way to Lerwick.

In the lee of the shore, we had some excellent sailing up to the brig on Mousa. This is the world’s finest and most in ticket bro. It stands 13 meters high and gives a perfect insight into the iron age. Storm Petrals use it for their nesting in summer and can be heard at night chattering away. It is also supposed to be the scene of two Viking love stories but that can be up to debate. Our last stretch to Lerwick we did during lunch and with a mother early arrival we had plenty of time to walk the quiet streets on this lovely Sunday afternoon.
All is well