Anticyclone or high pressure area
40’12S 014’29W 060 5.5kn South Atlantic We have been riding an anticyclone or high pressure area for the last 3.
40’12S 014’29W 060 5.5kn South Atlantic We have been riding an anticyclone or high pressure area for the last 3.
12-3-2024 45’50s 023’15w 6kn 065 14 degrees air and water temp! Wouw that is a long time ago. Having left.
9-3-2024 50’32S 031’45W 6.5kn 030 Slowly the breeze picked up yesterday. When we finally turned of the engine Tecla shot.
7-3-2024 53’57S 037’07W 6kn 033 And so it ends, a week of adventure below the convergence zone. We where not.
5-3-2024 “We live for those fantastic and unreal moments of beauty which our thoughts may build upon the passing panorama.
Difficulties are in the end just things which have to be overcome.’ – Ernest Shackleton (1874–1922): The Heart of the.
Thursday 29-2-2024 Scotia Sea 9kn 070 Nothing beats a 200 nm run, except maybe a 201 nm run… Going has.
Wednesday 28-2-2024 57’41s 047’57w course 060 speed 7kn With the spectacular departure from Elephant Island still fresh in my mind.
25-2-2024 Brandsfield Strait Photo: Charlotte bay Sunday breakfast with croissants! Now that is a nice wake up! After a long.
23-2-2024 Gerlache Strait After a moon lite night we woke to a sunny Antarctica. The white mountains radiating in the.
Since 2024 the Tecla is officially a member of the IAATO, the International Association Antarctic Tour Operators. We are very proud to be a member and to call ourselves Ambassadors of sustainable Antarctic Tourism. We hope we can make you our next Ambassador! Not just for Antarctic Nature, but all nature, wildlife and life on our amazing planet.