And more wind and waves
50’06.0N 11’59.3W course 186’ speed 7,1kn Strong wind day and many waves, but now the wind has decreased and veered.
50’06.0N 11’59.3W course 186’ speed 7,1kn Strong wind day and many waves, but now the wind has decreased and veered.
53’12.9N 012’13.7W course 185′ speed 7 knots After starting to sail just over 24 hours ago, we have been decreasing.
Pos: 56’16 N 009’50 WCOG 244Spd 7kts The fresh Tecla crew (9 of us in all) has been underway for.
57’08.1N 007’04.5W course 198′ speed 7kn What seemed to be very convenient waiting for too much wind.. turned into a.
23-10-2023 North Atlantic 60’44N013’37W 100 CG8kn And so we roll on… We managed to miss the good winds last night.
21-10-2023 62’21N021’16W 4kn180 After arriving early in Reykjavik last week we where quite happy to be there. The winds were.
Days like these when the wind sweeps across the country, the rain comes and goes and the Tecla lays safely.
And so the circle is round. Tecla once again has successfully circumnavigated the America’s. Arriving at Reykjavik we have doubled.
When the winds start blowing like they are doing this week. When the leaves fall from the trees and the.
09-10-2023 64’02N030’51WCG 050SP 6kn Yesterday we took in the main and the jib. Rumbling along at 10 plus kn was.
Since 2024 the Tecla is officially a member of the IAATO, the International Association Antarctic Tour Operators. We are very proud to be a member and to call ourselves Ambassadors of sustainable Antarctic Tourism. We hope we can make you our next Ambassador! Not just for Antarctic Nature, but all nature, wildlife and life on our amazing planet.