On our way to South Georgia,
When we left the South Shetland Islands 5 days ago we headed north to pick up our rat traps for.
When we left the South Shetland Islands 5 days ago we headed north to pick up our rat traps for.
The Tecla Yellow Brick is currently not sending any positions through, due to an empty battery that does not charge..
We took Murray harbour as a short cut. Enki had christened the surveyed part “Tecla harbour”. Infect Enki and Will had sounded the place out on our last trip
We headed out through the kelp forest and landed on the little beach. Payed our respects, got the passports stamped and got out of there! A fog bank was coming in from the east and it brought a little friendly breeze. Up went the sails and of went the engine! Its
Next morning the alarm went at 0330. Anchor up and out in to Canal the Balereno. Canal is an indication in Spanish for a safe passage between the many islands. It is by no means a dug out fair way! The depth is mostly more than 200mtrs all though not always very wide. The scenery is of the best! High mountains with snow on the tops. Green forest at the foot. And many, many possible anchorages... After Balenero comes Canal O'Brian. To bad we have to make the miles otherwise we could have spent a week exploring the waters between Polux and O'Brian Island. We call in at Alcomar Timbales, the first sign of civilisation. There are many Alcomar's along our route. They are call in points with the armada. One family is stationed at these lighthouses for one year and is responsible for its care and the traffic that passes. We are in Glacier ally now. Brazo Noroeste is a deep and clear fjord. High mountains, dark evergreen forest and snowy peaks dominate both shores. The Caldera Darwin towers to the north with summits of over 2000 mtr. Plenty to see!!! Glacier after glacier pass by. Steamer ducks passing infront at to the scale,
Have you seen the amazing pictures on our Facebook and website and thought, NOOOO I missed out! Well I (Jet).
After 3 weeks navigating, finally we are in Chilean waters. Everybody is happy to see some green colours around, and.
61’21S 067’23W As quickly as it came upon us it disappeared in the fog, the last snowy peaks of the.
The white continent has not failed us. It has surpassed all expectations and keeps amazing! The Caldera Deception Island we.
Elephant Island, Point Wild, the departure point for Sir Ernest Shackelton and 5 of his crew after beeing shipwrecked in.
Since 2024 the Tecla is officially a member of the IAATO, the International Association Antarctic Tour Operators. We are very proud to be a member and to call ourselves Ambassadors of sustainable Antarctic Tourism. We hope we can make you our next Ambassador! Not just for Antarctic Nature, but all nature, wildlife and life on our amazing planet.