Brazilian welcomeBraziliaans welkom
Sitting on the aft of the Tecla enjoying (thoroughly enjoying) a beautiful lightshow of fireflies on the Island in front.
Sitting on the aft of the Tecla enjoying (thoroughly enjoying) a beautiful lightshow of fireflies on the Island in front.
Strange weather We are having to get used to the weather in the sub tropics again. The wind has seen.
Time to pack away woolly clothes.. A day of changing weather and wind. We have sailed for a few hours,.
Beating up against a North wind – in the SUN! After so many days of being cold and wet and.
Sailing along the Uruguayan and Brazilian coast – SUN After a dark night, this morning started grey. BUT the sun.
Out of the Rio Plata, an intense 24 hours We left Colonia de Sacramento on Monday morning after a late.
Let the sun shine! wow it’s hot! We have had a beautiful last two days, instantly the weather has been.
Land ho’! First on the radar and then during the night there was light… LAND! We are closing in on.
Today brought out the first real sun and so the first shorts. This afternoon the fog that had closed us.
‘It’s the most wonderful time of the year We are pleased to report that Christmas at sea definitely didn’t disappoint!.
Since 2023 the Tecla is officially a provisional member of the IAATO, the International Association Antarctic Tour Operators. We are very proud to be an aspiring member to this organization that makes sure we can show Antarctica to you in the best way possible, both for you and for the environment.