48’26.0N 012’18.8W course 212′ speed 7kn
What a day! At 06:00h we set the mainsail and the big jib, the wind was still very light, but just to be prepared for when the predicted 8 to 10 knots would start, we had our sails up. Joel tried sailing without the engine a few times during his watch, going at 5 knots for 20 minutes, feeling confident, but then loosing the speed in a big swell still running from the West South West, and being unable to get the speed up again in the light air. So engine on, engine off, engine on again.. At watch handover noon, we were doing 8 knots under engine, which was nice, but also felt like there should be enough wind to sail with.. We said we would love a quiet tranquil lunch and so we tried again, we were successful for most of the time, doing 4 knots, and so the engine finally got a break. I thanked her from the bottom of my heart for getting us so far South without a complaint and gave her a little peck on the cheek.

Then the dolphins showed up. As many as 30 at a time, common dolphins, jumping around, in front of the bow and all over the place. I even think we heard them communicate! While they were still there, Floris and I came up with the brilliant idea that he could fly his drone from the ship at that speed, so we did! And the footage is amazing! Such a big ocean and then just us, sailing along with the lightest breeze! Just too bad the dolphins had already continued by the time the drone was airborne. And as Floris was packing away his drone, a Minke whale showed up.. sadly enough, we did not catch it on camera. One whale turned into three whales half an hour later, we saw 3 spouts of possibly more Minke whales in the distance, but they never got closer. And as they where to our windward.. we could not get closer to them either.

The wind became more and more steady and on a fine reach we were able to keep the speed between 5 and 7 knots quite comfortably. Just magical! Dinner consisted off pork roast, brussel sprouts, baked potatoes and salad, just to finish off the day on a high note!
During the evening watch a few showers drifted in and now our steady breeze is somewhat less steady. It shifts every now and then, and increases as the drizzly showers approach, but nothing above a force 4 and so we happily and speedily continue South. I have promised flip flops in 5 days.. so we better get a move on!

Other then that, we have little to report, the watches are getting into their rhythm, sleep is comfortable and the company is excellent. What more could you wish for.
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All is well on board,