49’53.6S 055’54.2W course 211′ speed 6,7
We have another 130 miles to go and we are making haste. Headwinds are predicted for tomorrow evening and we want to be close to shore before that happens. We are just coming out of a becalmed bit, where the ocean went flat and oily like we have not seen before! No wind, not a breath! But what made up for that were the seals. We had a seal keeping up with us for a little bit, jumping and gliding through the water, just before it got dark. So beautiful!

We were able to sail through last night until around 10 in the morning, when the apparent wind made us slow and not on course. We started the engine but kept the sails up and were able to keep them full for another 3 to 4 hours, making good speed towards the Falkland Islands. And as we were under engine anyway, we spend the day getting the ship shipshape. Washing the deck, counting the food left on board and cleaning out all nooks and crannies.
Right now the wind is starting to pick up again. Tim and I just set the jib after Josu and I set the forestaysail. It helps with about 0,5kn so thats good!
We are closing in on the position where Russell and I sailed in 2019 and going into 2020 when we sailed around Cape Horn. We had to struggle to get to the 50′ south after coming up from south of the Falkland Islands. We had light winds and were about to loose them completely – but we made it! And then celebrated New Years eve making our way to the Falklands.

Hopefully we can make our way into Port Stanley with a little daylight, so we can see the penguins and seals on the shores of the East Island!
Although we are in a hurry, all is well on board, Jet