
29’04.7N 035’50.0W course 014′ speed 6,3kn
Out of the tropics, and out of the tropic Celestial Navigation, so back to our normal Meridian Passage calculation. Everybody seemed relieved, this we can do! The tropical calculations left us with many points of error, we did not succeed once to get close to our position. Where as with our Meridian Passage, some of the crew can get within 5 miles of where we really are! We will not just find that island in the middle of the ocean, we would even find the harbor!

But today we had other difficulties, our sight was obscured due to clouds! Barely visible, the sun was hiding and would not come out! And so we kept busy with other things! We eased sheets, pulled them back in as the wind backed and veered at its leisure. We went downwind to ease the pressure of a shower coming in with gusting winds that felt like a full force 5. We came back up to a course of almost 55′ over the ground, just to keep the sails filled. We started the engine to keep going in the areas between showers and turned it off again as the wind increased with the next shower.

And so, lots to do, but this time the topsails could stay up! Right now we are under engine, the wind is too light and although it is easy sailing that way, we are in a hurry. We still have a deadline to make on the 3rd of June!

Tonight was the first night since even before Saint Helena, that most of the crew ate their dinner downstairs. It has become a custom to get a plate of food downstairs and then head outside to eat it on the aft. This is to get out of the heat of downstairs, and have the wind of being outdoors. But its getting colder and so sitting on a table in good company and without your food blowing of your plate or cooling faster then you can eat, is the best option!

The log numbers show us that we have sailed over 5000 already! so we have little over 2300 miles to go. Most of us are saying daily that they cant believe we have already done such a big distance. And then they realize they have been on board for over 6 weeks…!

All is well on board, Jet

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