Today we make our way to Harlingen where a new chapter in the book of adventures of the Tecla will start. Not a sailing adventure this time.
Corona has hit us hard. As you know Gijs and his crew were on their way to Cape Town when the first real lockdowns started. Jet plus relieve crew flew to Cape Town, hoping to get on board in April 2020. But things turned out differently. The past 13 months we were only able to sail 2 voyages as planned and some of our plans had to be put on hold for a long time.. But today is the day, one of these plans will start.
The Tecla is a 106 year old beauty. She sails well, holds sail well, does her part to keep us safe whenever we are out on the water. And we, in return, work hard to keep her updated and good looking when she is docked / drydocked. For 16 years our small business has had the privilege of having her as part of the family and we are ready to add many, many more years. To be able to do so, we have to do a major refit.
In 2018 we made a big decision to completely update the hull of the Tecla. Stripping away a segment of 17 meters of the old hull and completely renewing it with 1cm thick steel. We have made a scan of the hull in the drydock at the beginning of 2019 and started on drawings and a planning.
Some of you who have sailed with us, may have heard us mention the major refit. The one we were working so hard for.
With countries all around the world starting their vaccination program, the travel industry is starting to breathe again. And so, we have finally been able to get a financial “go ahead”. The new segment of the Tecla has been built and is ready for us in Harlingen. A complete renewal of the under-water hull and a completely new interior. With many restrictions on the travel world still in place this summer, we have decided not to sail at all this summer. Instead we will be working together with the shipyard to make the most of the time we have got to be ready to start sailing when we can.
During our refit we will keep a blog and shoot as much footage as we can to keep you updated. There will also be live streams you can follow and possibilities to ask questions during the live streams. SO stay tuned for more info!

Dag Gijs en Jet, Jeetje dat is geen halve maatregel . Ga binnen kort wel eens kijken in Harlingen. Wanneer verwachten dat de Tecla weer in haar element komt.
Hg Hans