No wind, so work to be done on deck
The wind died out during the night. We
got the mizzen reef out, but before we could get the mainsail reef out, we were
rocking so violently that we had to turn on the engine and lower the sails. So
since this morning 7 o clock, we have been going at about 6 or 7 knots fueled by
diesel. We lowered all the sails, this way we could get some maintenance done on
them while waiting for a breeze. The throat halyard of the mizzen has been
turned around, the shoe between the fingers of the main gaff has been changed,
the little hatch on the aft roof top has been oiled, new splices have been done
by the voyage crew and other then that, we enjoyed the beautiful weather.
Virginia and Stephanie said that if they would take a picture of the
ocean as we saw it this afternoon, no body would believe them if they said it
was the Southern Ocean, heading for Cape Horn. There was a cross sea swell
running, but it had an oily look about it. No wind anywhere to be seen!
The wind has been picking up a little bit the last few hours. We have
set the forestaysail again, but the sail flaps from side to side when we get
rolled by the swell. So no gaff sails up yet. Tonight we have a special night
activity, decorating the hallway and backing a cake for our first Birthday on
board!!! Kiwi and Banana cake!